Landscape photograph的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列推薦必買和特價產品懶人包

Landscape photograph的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦蕭仁隆寫的 非線攝影藝術 和Gardner, Christopher,Gardner, Basak的 Flora of the Mediterranean: An Illustrated Guide都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Landscape Photography: Tips to Improve your Travel Photos也說明:Whether it's a beautiful beach, rocky mountain range or lush jungle, you can photograph landscapes with the help of a wide angle lens, allowing as much of ...

這兩本書分別來自白象文化 和所出版 。

國立嘉義大學 森林暨自然資源學系研究所 劉建男所指導 顏全佑的 以自動相機估計中台灣石虎族群密度 (2021),提出Landscape photograph關鍵因素是什麼,來自於自動相機、密度估計、個體辨識、空間直觀捕捉-再捕捉。

而第二篇論文國立成功大學 藝術研究所 王雅倫所指導 朱玲的 河水洋洋,北流活活——張克純風景攝影研究(2008-2021) (2021),提出因為有 張克純、風景攝影、中國山水畫、影像美學、時間與空間的重點而找出了 Landscape photograph的解答。

最後網站The 6 Best Cameras For Landscape Photography則補充:The Sony α7 IV is the best camera for landscape photography that we've tested. This hybrid mirrorless camera can pretty much do it all, ...


除了Landscape photograph,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決Landscape photograph的問題,作者蕭仁隆 這樣論述:

原來攝影可以如此特別,奇幻地突破刻板的複製框架——非線攝影手法,讓平面影像躍然紙上!   ◎熱愛攝影的作者,將《非線文學》理論的特性,以實際拍攝技術化作精彩的影像藝術。   ◎除了介紹「非線攝影藝術」,從攝影技術、藝術分類到美學的發展都有詳盡說明。   ◎介紹自清末民初、從大陸到台灣各時期的攝影歷程,及當代知名的攝影家和學者。   ★收錄四百多張彩圖,〈非線攝影藝術作品賞析〉更是一場豐富且驚豔視覺的饗宴。   一本兼具專業與實驗性的攝影專書,以動態演繹靜態,讓文學平面空間化,創造令人驚豔的視覺藝術!   簡而易懂的數位照相技術和科技設備,使得數位影像的取得和運用可以更多元,再透過軟

體應用把不可能變為可能。非線攝影的特點是捨棄正經八百的對焦模式,不追求影像的真實感,而是追求影像的朦朧感、不確定感、動感、抽象化和介於抽象與具象間的非具象感覺,具有詩的特質,並打開攝影的另一面視窗   非線攝影藝術(Non-linear Photography Art),是傳統攝影進入數位攝影後所發現的一種攝影藝術拍攝手法。本書除了詳盡介紹非線攝影及其拍攝手法並附作品賞析,也依據非線文學理論歸納的十七項特性來檢視「非線攝影藝術」,發現它具有非線性、遊戲性、可重寫性、去中心性、隨意與自由性、無固定性、相互交叉重疊性、多視線性等特性。   作者的作品,〈墨韻圖〉呈現潑墨繪畫般的意境;〈流金歲月

〉充分表現人生燦爛的輝煌感覺;而〈浮萍人生〉卻又為浮動不定的人生做了雋永的註解……這正是觀賞藝術作品的妙意:只在此心中,其趣意也在此心中!歡迎一起進入非線攝影的藝術世界!   更多精彩內容請見  

Landscape photograph進入發燒排行的影片

By far my most hardcore photography trip, me and 5 friends spent 6d5n in the East Java of Indonesia, sleeping very little and spent most of the nights capturing milkyway. On the first day we arrived, we went to Mount Ijen which is famous for its acidic crater lake and blue flame. We started to hike at around 1.30am and we took an hour and a half and completed 3km journey and reached at the peak. When the day breaks, you will see the turquoise colored crater lake at the bottom. A mask is highly recommended here.

Then we moved on to Papuma Beach, a leading tourist attraction in the Jember district. The crushing waves here are so strong that swimming and playing in the sea are prohibited. We successfully captured the rising milkyway on the first night, spending the whole night at the seaside. On the second night luck was not on our side. Hence, we stayed in our hostel and finally get some sleep.

During the 4th day, we reached Bromo which is our true goal during this trip. We agreed to leave it as the last destination because you will always like to leave the best for the last right? =D

Reaching the Penanjakan 1 at 8pm, we setup our gears and wait for the milkyway to rise. It was cloudy starting but after a couple of hours, the clouds gave way and we saw the milkyway with our naked eyes! It was empty all over the place so we got to secure the front row and make sure nobody will block our view. After 9 hours standing under the temperature of 12 degree celsius, the day began to break and you will see a sea of people trying to squeeze to the front row, phones and cameras were gliding by our side, and they look forward to photograph the amazing view.

I look forward to returning to this amazing piece of land again in the next few years.

Camera & Gears:
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L II
Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II
Sigma 50mm f/1.4A


Ambiment - The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


為了解決Landscape photograph的問題,作者顏全佑 這樣論述:

石虎(Prionailurus bengalensis)為野生動物保育法所公告之瀕臨絕種保育類野生動物,由於石虎實際族群密度資料的缺乏,難以準確估算全島石虎族群量。本研究在南投縣中寮鄉設置後寮及龍眼林等兩個各30 km2的樣區,每個樣區各有30個1 km2網格並設立1樣點,每個樣點架設兩部紅外線自動相機進行拍照及個體辨識,主要目的有四:(一)利用捕捉-再捕捉法估算兩個樣區之石虎密度;(二)評估每個樣點兩台相機比一台相機在石虎密度估計上的成效;(三)探討每個相機樣點的石虎出現頻度指數(Occurrence Index, OI)是否可反映在該樣點出沒的個體數;(四)探討電腦輔助軟體-Hotspo

tter在石虎個體辨識的應用性。結果顯示,在後寮樣區分別以非空間直觀捕捉-再捕捉法(Non-spatial capture–recapture methods, CR)及以空間直觀捕捉-再捕捉法(Spatially explicit capture–recapture methods, SECR)所估計的石虎族群密度分別為每100 km2 有55隻及49隻;龍眼林樣區分別以CR法及SECR法估計的密度為每100 km2有57.5隻及41.9隻。使用兩台自動相機之照片比起使用單一相機照片,石虎密度於後寮及龍眼林樣區分別提升11.5%及77.2%。兩個樣區內不同樣點OI值與石虎辨識量皆呈現顯著正相


Flora of the Mediterranean: An Illustrated Guide

為了解決Landscape photograph的問題,作者Gardner, Christopher,Gardner, Basak 這樣論述:

A unique window into the floral wonders of the Mediterranean world, featuring 600 stunning color photographs accompanied by descriptions of the species, plant families and their distribution. Travelling across five continents--Europe, North America, Africa, South America and Australia--the authors r

eveal the rich botanical profusion that makes up the flora of the Mediterranean regions of the world: a secret landscape populated by a dazzling variety of wild flowers and plants, from spectacular orchids and ancient olive trees to delicate snowdrops and hardy cacti. For each region, a succession o

f the most outstanding flowers is featured, from the spectacular and exotic to the beautiful yet familiar, with each plant presented in its natural habitat. Beginning with the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, the reader is taken along the rugged Atlas Mountains, through Andaluc a and Italy, to

arrive at the amazing botanical richness of Greece, southern Anatolia and Jordan. In California and Chile the journey is through flowering deserts, snow-capped peaks and towering forests of redwood and monkey puzzle trees, beside a coast lapped by the Pacific Ocean. The ancient landscapes of Souther

n Australia provide a truly remarkable assemblage of astonishing flora, while the Western Cape of South Africa is home to an unimaginable diversity of flora. The accompanying text provides descriptions of the species, plant families and their distribution, as well as offering guidance to those wishi

ng to photograph plants in the wild. With 600 stunning color photographs, and presenting a breadth of flora never before brought together in a single volume, the authors offer a unique window on the floral wonders of the Mediterranean world. Chris and Basak Gardner are authors of the acclaimed Flo

ra of the Silk Road (I.B.Tauris, 2014). They have led specialist botanical and wildlife tours worldwide for nearly two decades ( Both are professional botanists with extensive experience in identifying and photographing flowers. Basak was head of the herbarium at Nezahat Gok

yigit Botanic Garden in Istanbul, whilst Chris is also an experienced garden designer and co-author of the successful book, The Plant Hunters (1998). Chris has been accorded the distinction of having a flower named after him--Bellevalia chrisii--a species he discovered whilst leading a tour with Bas

ak in the Anti-Taurus mountains of Turkey.


為了解決Landscape photograph的問題,作者朱玲 這樣論述:

